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Andrea Damascelli, an Associate Professor and CRC Tier II in Physics and Astronomy, is a recipient of the 2011 NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship. Damascelli studies quantum materials and is building a spectroscopy centre for the research and development of new electronic materials with never-before-seen properties. Andrea has previously been awarded a Sloan Fellowship.


The NSERC E. W. R. Steacie Memorial Fellowships honour the memory of Dr. Edgar William Richard Steacie, an outstanding chemist and research leader who made major contributions to the development of science in Canada during, and immediately following, World War II. Every year, NSERC awards up to six Steacie Fellowships that are held for a two-year period. Successful fellows are relieved of teaching and administrative duties, so that they can devote all their time and energy to research. The Fellowships are held at a Canadian university or affiliated research institution.