Training, certification and access requirements

(Users who fulfil these requirements are subsequently authorized to use the respective Facility/Lab/Equipment/Service)

  • Lab Induction and Qualification – Classroom/Zoom and In-Lab (Facility and Lab – specific)
  • UBC Chemical Safety Course, where required
  • Any other UBC-mandated training/certification for people working on campus at the time
  • Equipment/Service – specific Training and Qualification
  • Supervisor/Manager Declaration (confirming that agrees with said user using Quantum Colab facilities)
  • User’s financial information (via supervisor/manager, where applicable, for invoicing purposes)
  • User Declaration/s (multiple, as required per lab/facility/equipment, confirming that user received respective training/induction and understands relevant rules and procedures)

Prospective Quantum Colab users at UBC must fill out the following form:


QMI Quantum Colab user application



Users who do not have a UBC Card

Users who are not primarily located at UBC or who do not have a student or employee number must also fill out the Brimacombe Building Intake Form in order to obtain proper credentials. The form is available here:

Please download and complete the form, and then send it via email to

Authorized user access to Labs and Equipment is managed via:

  • Online booking system/s (facility-specific, users will be given information and issued with required credentials)
  • UBC-issued card
  • Equipment-specific controls, if/where available