Why apply to Quantum Pathways?

The Quantum Pathways program provides a minimum of two years of research experience to first- and second-year undergraduate students interested in the field of quantum materials. Participants are generally expected to return to Blusson QMI each academic year.


Students in the Quantum Pathways program will receive:

  • Scholarships to support a sequence of up to four 16-week summer research positions throughout their years as an undergraduate student
  • One-to-one mentoring in research, writing, public presentations and career preparation
  • Workshops and courses to develop research and professional skills
  • Opportunities to work with our partner institutions

How to apply

The Quantum Pathways program seeks students from groups that are underrepresented in the field of quantum materials. Applicants should be enrolled in their first or second year of post-secondary education and are asked to submit the following:

  • a copy of their most recent university transcript
  • one letter of reference to be sent directly to Blusson QMI
  • cover letter with a statement of interest explaining the research area to be pursued

The cover letter should include a 500-word biography that tells us about your personal background and life experiences (including how your identity may be underrepresented in the field and any relevant challenges you have overcome). Please indicate how you will contribute to the Quantum Pathways mission to make quantum materials research accessible to future scientific communities and share our science with a broader audience. Funding through NSERC is available for black and Indigenous researchers.

Applications are now open and will close at 11:59pm (PT) on Feb 14, 2025. For questions, please contact quantumpathways@qmi.ubc.ca