Dr. George Crabtree
Professor of Physics, Distinguished Fellow of Argonne National Laboratory, and Director, Joint Center for Energy Storage Research
George Crabtree is Professor of Physics at the University of Illinois-Chicago, Distinguished Fellow of Argonne National Laboratory and Director of the Joint Center for Energy Storage Research (JCESR). His research interests include materials science, sustainable energy, nanoscale superconductors and magnets, vortex matter in superconductors, and highly correlated electrons in metals. He has led workshops for the Department of Energy (DOE) on next-generation energy storage, hydrogen, solar energy, superconductivity, and materials under extreme environments, and co-chaired the Undersecretary of Energy’s assessment of DOE’s Applied Energy Programs. He has testified before the U.S. Congress on the hydrogen economy, meeting sustainable energy challenges, and energy storage.
Dr. Crabtree has won numerous awards including the Kammerlingh Onnes Prize, U.S. DOE Award for Outstanding Scientific Accomplishment in Solid State Physics and an R&D 100 Award. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, a charter member of ISI’s