Event Five

Location 419 East 20th Ave, Vancouver, B.C., Canada

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ICNT 2021

Virtual event

With plenary talks to provide overviews of some of the major progress made in key areas in our field, invited speakers highlighting ground-breaking advances, and contributed talks spanning the breadth that our field encompasses, we hope you will find ICN+T an ideal venue to share and learn about advances in nanoscience and technology.

Cornerstone Models of Quantum Computing: Virtual Summer School

Virtual event

TRIUMF together with its partners - Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute, the University of British Columbia, Quantum Algorithms Institute, Simon Fraser University, University of Victoria, Université de Sherbrooke, Helmholtz's Assocation DESY and our industry partners Xanadu and D-Wave - are pleased to announce the Cornerstone Models of Quantum Computing Summer School / TRIUMF Summer Institute 2021, which will be taking place remotely from August 2 – 13, 2021.

CM Seminar: Controlling Emergent Behavior in Quantum Matter from a Theory Perspective

Virtual event

Speaker: Prineha Narang, Assistant Professor at Harvard University   My group’s research focuses on how quantum matter behaves, particularly away from equilibrium, and how we can harness emergent effects in these systems. In this context, I will focus on our newly introduced approaches to describe excited-states in quantum matter, including electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions beyond […]

New Student Orientation

Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute Room 311, 2235 East Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

New students are invited to learn about the Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute (Blusson QMI) from our Scientific Director, Andrea Damascelli, and gain practical advice from other members of Blusson QMI and the student committee. Save the date and await more information in the upcoming days. Lunch will be served.

Jason Alicea: Internally engineered Majorana modes in twisted bilayer graphene

Virtual event

Abstract: Twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) realizes an exquisitely tunable, strongly interacting system featuring superconductivity and various correlated insulating states.  In this talk I will introduce gate-defined wires in TBG as an enticing platform for Majorana-based fault-tolerant qubits.  Our proposal notably relies on “internally” generated superconductivity in TBG – as opposed to “external” superconducting proximity effects […]

Orange Shirt Day

Virtual event

September 30 is Orange Shirt Day and National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Wear orange to show your support for Survivors and their families.

CM Seminar – Benjamin Frandsen

Talk title: From Quantum Magnets to Magnetic Thermoelectrics: Short-Range Spin Correlations and the Secrets They Keep Speaker: Benjamin Frandsen, Brigham Young University Abstract: Short-range magnetic correlations have been increasingly recognized in recent years for their importance in contexts as widely varied as geometrically frustrated magnetism and functional magnetocaloric materials. Neutron scattering provides experimental access to […]

CM Seminar – Andrew Potter

https://ubc.zoom.us/j/66879995529?pwd=dHpQb25LSGVZK3ozY243em5tenRWQT09 Meeting ID: 668 7999 5529 Passcode: 113399   Abstract: Quantum computation tantalizing promises efficient solutions to a broad range of classically-hard materials and chemistry simulation problems of interest to both basic science and practical applications. However, nascent quantum processors are severely limited in both memory and accuracy, and remain a long way from surpassing state-of-the-art classical […]