Collaborative Quantum Projects Announced in Joint Research Initiative by Université de Sherbrooke, University of British Columbia and the University of Waterloo
, Three of Canada’s most recognized centres in quantum information and materials research are collaborating on five new joint research projects. The three centres are all recipients of funding from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF).
Projects were solicited and selected in a concerted effort by the Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute (SBQMI) at the University of British Columbia, Transformative Quantum Technologies (TQT) – the technology development vector of the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) – at the University of Waterloo, and the Institut Quantique (IQ) at the Université de Sherbrooke. Each of these quantum research projects looks to accelerate breakthrough science by connecting expertise among the institutions over the next 2 years.
“There are amazing opportunities at the interfaces of research efforts,” said Professor David Cory, principal investigator of TQT. “These joint research projects build on the complementarity of the three quantum CFREF programs, extending the reach of their accomplishments and speeding development. Through these projects we will see new quantum materials connected to quantum devices, new theories of quantum control leading to broader quantum applications, and the expertise of all three centers directed at solving the challenge of noise, which stands in the way of useful, general-purpose quantum computation.”
Final proposals were selected based on scientific significance and timelines with results expected within 2 years. Headed by collaborative networks of investigators among the three centres, each proposal makes use of knowledge, technical resources and infrastructure unique to each centre.
Selected Projects
Title: Quantum computational resources in the presence of symmetry
, Description:
, This joint IQ, SBQMI and TQT proposal involves an approach to improving fault tolerance in quantum computation in order to improve its computational power and robustness.
, Researchers: David Poulin (IQ), Robert Raussendorf (SBQMI), Joseph Emerson (TQT)
Title: Novel high-speed SPAD arrays for quantum communication
, Description:
, CMOS single-photon detectors are investigated in an innovative approach to quantum detector and quantum receiver technology in this joint IQ and TQT proposal.
, Researchers: Thomas Jennewein (TQT), Serge Charlebois (IQ), Jean-François Pratte (IQ)
Title: Combined momentum and real-space photoelectric probes of dimensionality-tuned Weyl semimetals
, Description:
, This joint TQT and SBQMI proposal aims at bridging the divide between quantum materials and quantum devices to harness topological protection for future technologies.
, Researchers: Adam Wei Tsen (TQT), Christopher Gutierrez (SBQMI), Andrea Damascelli (SBQMI)
Title: Industrially relevant spin-3/2 hybrid quantum devices
, Description:
, In this joint proposal from IQ and SBQMI, a silicon prototype hybrid quantum device is developed that could offer electrical control and longer coherence times for viable commercial technologies.
, Researchers: Joe Salfi (SBQMI), Eva Dupont-Ferrier (IQ), Michel Pioro-Ladrière, (IQ)
Title: Planckian dissipation in strange metals
, Description:
, This joint submission from IQ and SBQMI will investigate quantum materials for their “strange metal” behavior, which is qualitatively different from that of conventional metals and is is believed to bear direct relation to unconventional superconductivity.
, Researchers:
, Louis Taillefer (IQ), Fabio Boschini (SBQMI), Andrea Damascelli (SBQMI)
The breadth and range of investigative approaches highlights future potential for advanced research among collaborating institutions across Canada. The model offered by this joint-institutional effort is potentially one that could be used to map networks of resources among quantum institutions around the world.
“I am most excited about these new collaborative efforts,” said Dr. Andrea Damascelli, Scientific Director at SBQMI. “Bringing together our strengths will advance Canada’s position as a global leader in quantum materials and technologies.”
Professor Alexandre Blais, Scientific Director at IQ agrees: “Working together on breakthrough quantum science benefits not only the scientific outcomes but also the training of the quantum technology leaders for Canada and the world.”
The three CFREF institutions plan to cooperate on future endeavours together, including the making of a quantum collaborative laboratory in support of a proposed national quantum strategy.
Pan-Canadian Quantum Projects have been made possible thanks in part to grants from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund awarded to the IQ, SBQMI, and TQT.
For further information about the Pan-Canadian Quantum Projects and other joint endeavours between the three CFREF institutions, please contact:
Kathryn Fedy, Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
Sophia Han, Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute (SBQMI)
Hugues Vincelette, Institut Quantique (IQ)