In recent years, quantum computing has made continuous progress from improvements in scalability to advancements in error correction codes. This has motivated an increasing focus on exploring use cases and applications.

Join us for this year’s second Unboxing Quantum panel, where quantum industry experts and thought leaders will come together to discuss Canada’s rapidly evolving quantum computing landscape. Hosted by UBC’s Blusson Quantum Matter Institute (Blusson QMI), the online event will take place from 10:00 to 11:00 am (PT) on June 19, 2024.

With a special focus on pathways to fostering collaboration between academia, industry, and government, this panel aims to explore the critical role that universities and research institutes play in fostering adoption, ushering in new technology, and training the quantum workforce as we emerge from the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) era and into the early stages of fault tolerance.


UBC’s Blusson QMI is a world-class research and training centre pushing the boundaries of quantum materials as the enabling building blocks for future quantum technologies – while training the professionals who will translate this intellectual capital into economic benefits for Canada.

Lukas Chrostowski is an Investigator at Blusson QMI and a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UBC. Chrostowski is a recognized leader for his research in silicon photonics, optoelectronics, high-speed laser design, fabrication and test, for applications in optical communications, biophotonics, and quantum photonics. He is a Founding Member of Quantum BC, a joint initiative led by UBC’s Blusson QMI, Simon Fraser University and the University of Victoria that aims to stimulate and enrich collaborative efforts across research, training and innovation in quantum computing.

Lisa Lambert is the inaugural CEO of Quantum Industry Canada (QIC), the national consortium that unites quantum technology companies and allied organizations. Under her leadership, QIC is dedicated to unlocking the full potential of Canada’s quantum sector, aiming to advance the country’s position as a global leader in quantum innovation and commercialization while enhancing national prosperity. Throughout her career, Lisa has been a pioneer of collaborative innovation at the intersection of science, technology, and society. She has spearheaded trailblazing projects worldwide, working with leading minds and organizations.

Alex Challans is the CEO and co-founder of Resonance. Resonance is the leading provider of market intelligence across deep technology verticals such as quantum, space, metaverse, climate and AI. The business serves hundreds of clients – ranging from startups to national governments – with its SaaS subscription intelligence, strategic advisory and marketing offerings. Alex was previously a Director in a UK based private equity fund, where he focused on data and tech investments.

Christopher Coleman is currently a research fellow at UBC’s Blusson QMI. His primary research interests center on advancing logic processing of current quantum technologies, as well as innovating and developing novel quantum systems for future technological applications. Major themes of his research include exploring practical application of quantum computing and the deployment of algorithms, which serve as crucial tools for benchmarking and certifying new technologies. In addition to these pursuits, Chris is deeply interested in the broader spectrum of full-stack development within the quantum tech field.

To register for the event, please click here.